I cannot begin to know why but in the past fifty years I have become a slave to the seasons. In addition to keeping up with holidays, birthdays and other important dates on the calendar I keep my eyes solidly glued to astronomical events that mark the earth's passage along its elliptical orbit about the sun.
Tomorrow at 12:47 EDT, the earth will pass through the winter solstice. For me this marks one of the best times of the year, the time when the daylight starts to get longer. There are those who might quibble about the specifics of what actually happens on that day but for me winter has ended and spring has started. True that the coldest part of the year lies ahead but for me that is but a mere inconvenience, the days are getting longer. Life is good and getting better.
About six months from now the cycle will reverse and the daylight will once again begin to wain. But at that time we will still have several months of toasty weather to give us solace. So for me most of the year is good. There is only the time just before the winter solstice when things for me are predictably dark and dismal and that time is nearly at an end.
Take heart in your Christmas celebrations each year. It is not your imagination that the days seem brighter ( albeit only slightly ) not only because of the fun and fellowship but because the sky has signaled that summer is coming!
I can't imagine it getting much better!