Saturday, August 4, 2007

A cool flyover...

Living near the airport can have it's perks and seeing vintage planes flying over is one of them. This weekend the Liberty Belle, a B-17 Flying Fortress from WWII, was in town and the owners were allowing folks to reserve half hour flights.

As it happened today, planes landing on runway 22 fly over or east of our subdivision. When planes fly in they don't generally make much noise so when there is an odd sounding engine I try to run out to see what it might be. I have seen a few cool planes fly over but today I was in for a special treat when I heard large sounding radial engines. I ran out back to see a large-winged aircraft lumbering toward the airport. Then I proceeded to scare Cherri and all of the cats half to death as I yelled for her to come and see the plane.

We stood there in awe as the plane seemed to just hang in the air as it headed into Bluegrass Field. By the time we spotted it was too late to alert the evil neighbors to the east but I remembered that they were making multiple flights today and that we might get another chance.

An hour or so later I heard the same engines again so I jumped up, grabbed the phone and the camera, called Adam (evil neighbors to the east) and ran out the door just in time to catch this picture...

We don't have one of the whiz-bang cameras but it did pretty good. You can see the tail colors and the machine gun turret in the front. You can catch an article in the August 3, 2007 Lexington Herald Leader or click here.


Anonymous said...

Good picture. They fly closer to my house than yours. haha
Evil neighbor to the east

Jennifer said...

Cool photo - must tell the MAN of the house to check it out. Glad to see you post more often than your wife. bah hah.